Sydney, Sydney Opera House, Tänzer, Choreographen - Körpertanz für Alle, IOCO Aktuell, 07.03.2021

Körper-Tanz - Kurse : Auf den Stufen des Sydney Opera House
Australien hat es in diesen schweren Tagen der Cortona-Epidemie besser: Innerhalb des riesigen Landes kann man sich weitgehend frei bewegen, Lokale sind geöffnet, die Strände voll. Bei diesen Freiheiten schweben aber auch in Australien strenge COVID-Regeln beständig mit / über allen.. Doch, die zulässigen Freiheiten werden in selten schöner Weise genutzt: Auf den Stufen des spektakulären Sydney Opera House werden im März 2021,
für jedermann zugänglich,öffentliche "Köpertanz" - Kurse (Body Dance) gehalten. In zwei Kursen täglich, ab 15.30 und ab 18.00 Uhr, werden unter professioneller Anleitung von Tänzern, Choreographen, Artisten des Opernhauses die Kurs-Teilnehmer "beschwingt". Jeder, jedes Alter, Kind, Opa, Frau, Mann, kann teilnehmen, kostenlos:
Australien, Du machst es besser !.Lesen Sie im folgenden, was die Sydney Opera für jeden zugänglich bietet:

Free outdoor dance classes for every body, ability and age
At the Sydney Opera House this March 2021"Step out of the daily grind (Verlasst das alltägliche Mühlrad und kommt auf die spektakulärste Bühne der Welt für kostenlose Tanz - Kurse... ) and onto the world’s most spectacular outdoor stage with free, fun and inclusive dance classes for participants of all levels, ages and abilities."
If there's one thing that's certain in these uncertain times, it's that we gotta keep moving - together! That's why this March we're inviting every body to a series of free outdoor dance classes to share the joy of dance with one of the world's most iconic harbours as our dance partner.

Taught by a range of world class dancers, (von einer Reihe von Weltklasse-Tänzern, siehe Masha Belash, Foto links, geleitet) choreographers and educators in their own fields, these classes are for all levels and all ages encompassing styles covering Jazz to Contemporary, Latin to Hip Hop.
Whatever your preference, we encourage all participants to leave judgement at the door and work within your own comfort level for maximum fun and enjoyment.
With 8 different classes to choose from (2 sessions every Tuesday from 9 March), it's time to get moving so check out the schedule, tell your friends and register for your tickets.
While dancing together as a community, this event is 100% COVID safe. There will be no partner work or touching and participants will be socially distanced. In the event of rain, the event will not go ahead.
The Sydney Opera House today announced Every Body Dance Now, a free series of outdoor dance classes presented on the spectacular Opera House Forecourt. Enabled by a NSW Government initiative, Culture Up Late, to increase access to Sydney’s cultural offering in the city, several free classes will be held this March, allowing attendees to share in the joy of dance against one of the world’s most iconic backdrops.
Sydney Opera House Director of Programming Fiona Winning said: “We’re thrilled to be able to reinvigorate our precinct during summer with a free, accessible and participatory program of outdoor dance classes, thanks to the NSW Government. Every Body Dance Now will provide a fantastic opportunity for Sydneysiders to get out of the lounge room and share the joy of dancing together in a group again, outside in the open air with one of the world's most iconic harbours as a dance partner.” (.... stellt eine fanstatische Gelegenheit für die Menschen aus Sydney dar,hre Sessel zu verlassen und die Freuden gemeinsamen Tanzes zu genießen ....)

NSW Minister for the Arts Don Harwin said: “I am delighted that the NSW Government’s Culture Up Late initiative is supporting the Opera House’s free program of outdoor dance classes. The arts industry plays an important role in our community’s health and wellbeing through creative participation, so this is a great way for the community to connect in a COVID-safe way in one of our city’s most special meeting places”.
This March, world-class dancers, choreographers, performing artists and educators will lead classes in the open air, teaching a mixture of contemporary, jazz, street and Latin dance. Two sessions every Tuesday from 9 March: an afternoon class at 3:30pm and a second, dusk session at 6pm, will provide an opportunity for everything from a gentle, more accessible flow, to a funky, up-tempo, (slightly) sweaty dance-jam. Welcoming participants of all levels, ages and abilities, the free experience is a fun and inclusive way for everybody to step out of the daily grind and onto the world’s most spectacular outdoor stage. Artistic prowess not required."
The Culture Up Late initiative is part of the (schauen Sie sich Sydney an - HIER!) Summer in the City program, proudly funded by the NSW Government.
--| Pressemeldung Sydney Opera House |---